History Smiths – Let’s make history work for you!

History Smiths

What clients say…

“Bonnie you were a real ‘find.’ I look forward to reporting back on the results of our work together after our anniversary year is over.”
-Arianna Rowe, Wolf & Company, P.C.

“When I knew my company was going to celebrate its 100th anniversary, I wanted to do something lasting and meaningful. I contacted Bonnie at History Smiths because I knew she had the ability and reputation to do the historical research on my family-owned business, and the marketing skills to create a brochure, display, and media materials. My existing customers were delighted, and I attracted new clients because of the attention we received.”

—Paul K. Soucy, Soucy Insurance Agency, Inc.

“Bonnie brings knowledge, people skills, a cooperating persona and deep technical competence to her projects … the 375th was a much better celebration for melding Bonnie’s ideas into the year long program in 2009.”

–Nat Pulsifer, Chair, Ipswich, MA 375th Anniversary Celebration

“Harrison Bennett has a gift for making connections between historical events and the present. One Sunday in March 2011, as a guest speaker at our Sunday service, she brought us right into the life of Judith Sargent Murray and enabled us to enter a world in which women knew very few of the freedoms we now take for granted. As she spoke passionately and from deep knowledge about the changes Judith Sargent Murray envisioned and worked for, she helped us feel connections between the people of Judith’s daily life and the people who have sat in the pews of our own Meetinghouse (built in 1801) from Judith’s time until the present. This is history at its best for it gives us greater insight into our own moment and place on the earth and allows us to look to the future with greater understanding.”

-Merryl Maleska Wilbur, First Religious Society Unitarian Universalist, Newburyport MA

“Bonnie, thanks so much for an inspiring talk. You really gave our members something to think about. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if some of them contacted you for help putting your ideas into action.”
–Bill Sargent, Rotary Club of Ipswich, MA

“It’s been a pleasure to have Bonnie speak at the Boston Public Library. Her presentations are excellent, her enthusiasm contagious, and her humor appreciated. Bonnie made it easy for the library to have a popular program with minimum fuss.”
–Patricia Feeley, Boston Public Library

“One of our parishioners said he was surprised by his own ‘depth of feeling’ at the end and realized it was generated by your depth of feeling. Another woman was so impressed and moved at ‘how attached’ you were to this historical personage she came up afterward and hugged you. Your passion for Margaret Fuller’s life and work really came through, and that was moving to all of us.”
–Diana Digges, Theodore Parker Unitarian Church, West Roxbury, MA

“When my colleague Jim Whidden and I decided to develop an educational seminar to teach people the right way to restore an old house, we knew we would need marketing help from someone who was plugged into the history community. We wanted to reach historical societies, public libraries, and the kinds of audiences they attract. Bonnie had a fine reputation in the local historical community, and knew how to promote, which is an unusual combination. She also helped us with some of the local historical content. Within a year, we held a dozen or so seminars throughout our target region, attracted over 200 people, media attention, and new customers. We were thrilled.”
–Mathew Cummings, Cummings Architects, LLC, Ipswich, MA